Terms and Conditions
Termly Fees or Drop In Fees
Please note the following terms & conditions for payments:
· You can EITHER the full termly fee during the first
week of term OR pay the drop-in fee at each class.
· You are welcome to make up any missed classes
during the term.
If you know in advance that you are going to miss any classes due to other commitments you could opt for the ‘Drop-In’ fee instead, currently £9.50 per ballet class and £8.00 per tap class.
- The more ballet classes you attend per week the lower the termly fee per class, for example, £8.00 for once a week, £6.50 per class for twice a week. Please enquire about the fee if you plan to come to more than two classes per week.
- Classes will be invoiced by Worcestershire School Term payable at as soon as the term in question commences.
- Invoice payment is on a Use-it-or-Lose-it basis. If you miss any classes you can make them up by coming to any other class before the term ends. You can not carry over missed classes into the next term.
- Classes will not be held during School Holidays (including Half Terms) or Bank Holidays. However, some classes will be held over the 6 week summer break, see Terms & Fees for details.
- Prices will be reviewed again in April 2019.
Pay by cash or cheque made payable to Louise Gould.
Or make payment directly into bank:
A/C 10287968
Sort Code: 77-27-29
Mrs Louise M Gould
Ballet Class Etiquette
Please keep chatting to a minimum in class
You all know I encourage a friendly and fun environment in the classes and I definitely want to keep that. However, it has been a long time since I have given individual correction due to the chatting that goes on when I start to explain a particular technique or physically correct anyone. I tend to call out general corrections during exercises as I find that if I do it in between exercises some people start talking amongst themselves as perhaps they think it doesn't apply to them. (I will only physically correct anyone who has given me their express permission to do so.)
If any of you have attended any other classes with other teachers you will know that no-one talks in class even when the teacher pays particular attention to another dancer. Corrections are a normal part of the ballet class and they are meant for everyone even if you've heard them before.
I positively encourage questions during the class as I always want people to feel happy with what they are doing and give as much guidance as possible.
In addition to this after several bouts of laryngitis this year already I'm finding it hard as I continually have to strain my voice to get everyone's attention back each time.
I love the support and applause we give each other after centre exercises and I do not mind if you have a little exchange or a joke at the side but please keep it brief and discrete and of course feel free to chat before class, after the barre and at the end of class.
Thank you for your understanding with this polite reminder, I'm sure you will agree that it will benefit the flow and learning during class. 

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